Sorry for forgetting to upload yesterday. Yesterday was, I was, busy :P hehe yes, and again, I was hungry and forgot to take pictures of food. Bad, bad me :P ehehe besides, I was with the gremlins, hence, no picture taking. Back to my project.
P.s : Gremlins = Nephews
This is a picture of my nephew, Za'em Isad :) this boy, is the cutest with his antics! Hehe seriously! Yesterday, me and daddy with the 2 gremlins went to their house, and the gremlins went with his brother Isa, upstairs. Za'em wanted to come, but I was too lazy to, that I told him, Amit sakit kaki. What Za'em did? Tiupnya my feet so that baik, inda sakit lagi! LOL! Cute! Absolutely adorable!
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