Today was super fun, fun fun! Hehe went for lunch outing with my colleagues and we all ended up being sugar high, read on, and you'll find out why....haha :P We went to the foodcourt at Times Square as we were pretty much undecided on where to go for lunch, hence, the easiest way out was the nearest outlet :P So we all get to choose accordingly to our taste buds ;) tsk...tsk... I didn't get to take pictures of my friends' food because I was soo hungry that I occupied myself haha sorry peeps! But I did take pictures of my food.
I got my wish, I got myself Nasi Uduk Ayam Goreng Jakarta at Pondok Sari Wangi. The rice itself is fragrant, you can smell the ginger, and the texture is not too soft, I'd say its perfect. The sambal that goes with it, is a bit spicy but also goes well with the rice, and the soup is the sayur asem gravy. Loved it! Out of 5, 4 lah...hehe I got myself this crispy prawn, don't know what its called but it looked fancy. Got it from the dim sum stall, wasn't all that. I think they steamed the prawn first so that it wont be too dry when they fry it. They then wrapped the prawn with something that looked like shredded popia skin. Out of 5, a 2.5.

which somehow lead to us all in the car, singing our asses out loud and sugar high! LOL! Told you today was fun! I loved the fact that the staff made my friends' day by putting a smiley face on her drink with the chocolate! Awww, bliss!After that, its not that kami inda pandai kanyang, hehe its just because, erm, the day was scorching hot, so we then jaywalked to Coffee Bean to get ourselves some cold thirst quenchers And for that, I'd give it a 4 out of 5 too :D Hey, I'm satisfied with my Mocha! :P

Made me happy too alright! :P hehe since there was this roadshow by other government agencies too in the vicinity, so well all tried our luck in answering the quiz by the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and I got really lucky that I won myself this cool folder! :D My lucky day!

And for dinner, me, my sister and mummy went to Delifrance for dinner. And again, I did not take pictures of their food, haha I'm being selfish today :P Basically, this is one of my favourite eateries since I just lo-ove the croissant there. My rating is still, 4 out of 5.
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