Being sick, I dread it. Who doesn't? I can't do anything normally ( well its not that I became retarded or disabled when I'm sick ) Its just that, I cannot go anywhere like the norm and hence, the clinic visit became my 'sickly routine' *snickers* Upon arrival, I was greeted by this blue poster of the Tobacco Order which was enforced on the 1st of June 2008. I'm in awe to the response of the public to this order which was recently enforced. It just struck to me, maybe because this is a clinic, that's why they complied to it but unlike the people who make their normal visits to the place where I work, its just annoying. They'd just puff away without realizing others within their crowd.
Anyhow, I think ( well, not I think, I WAS late ), there was a long queue already ahead of me. Imagine, the nurses summoning other patients before me to the traige area was just up to number 54 and my number was 84 :( boo-hoo.... Lucky I've got this favourite book of mine with me to keep me occupied while waiting for my turn. 15 minutes, not even close. 30 minutes, "THUD"!!! It was this 3-4 year old girl who fell. She did went crimson in the face, trying her best not to cry. 45 minutes, nada. 1 hr, finally summoned to the triage area. 15 minutes later, finally my turn! Yay me!!! :P
The aftermath of seeing the practioner, is to collect all the medications that was prescribed. And so, as I happily walk down the stairs, there, I was greeted by a massive ( now massive is an exaggeratement :P ) by quite a number of people also waiting for their names to be announced by the pharmacist. Anyhow, my turn eventually came after quite a moment of waiting. Quite a long day at the clinic, I'd say. Will update later.
The Blue 'Tobacco Order' Poster

The Clinic's Entry
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