Haha talk about delayed telecast! This is a more or less like a delayed news update! LOL!!! Anyhow, there were, I barely remember how many teams there were, but if I'm not mistaken, there were 10 teams competing. Amongst what I remember were the Karih-karihi, Black Guns, The Black Devils ( my unit's :P ) and I don't remember. It was really an very unnerving tourney LOL :P Anyhow, my unit finished 2nd place from the last *giggles* but alas, the cheers by the audience kept everyone going. In the end, the title of being the Labour Department went to the Karih-karihi team! Yay!!! Congratulations!!!

Me with 2 members from the Karih-karihi team and my boss
The Jelitawan have to be present :P
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