You might be wondering why I named my blog Roses and Giraffes LOL.... It represents my love/passion for roses ( I oh....soooo.... Love roses ) and Giraffes ( I do....too bad I can't have one ) but I do have a cat which I named 'Kicap'. A dat one that is, and lazy too. Loves lazing around the house since he is a home-bound cat along with my sister's cat which is its loyal side-kick ( since they're the only two cats around the house ) named 'Phoebe' , which both aren't allowed to go out because feared that they'd be attacked by hound dogs *shivers* anyhow, I'll update again soon, I'm all worn out from today's hectic activities. Catch you soon.... *mwahz*
The Giraffe ( I got it from one of my nephew's 'ANIMALS' book :P )

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